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We know about e-learning using learning management systems

But what do we know about e-learning using WhatsApp?

Many developing-world course creators teach thousands of learners using chat and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram as their learning platform.

The Byte-Sized Learning Project

Educating the educators who use Communication apps for e-learning.

For several reasons, many developing world residents do not use the learning management systems that are commonplace in Europe and America. Many course creators have adapted to these realities by creating courses made for apps they do use:  WhatsApp and Telegram. 

Best-practices for educators

This project seeks to provide research-backed best-practices to educators who seek to use communication apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram for e-learning purposes.

Research-Based Findings

This project will be based on ongoing research into byte-sized e-learning development using WhatsApp and Telegram. Findings will be published in academic and professional papers to create a body of knowledge about these emerging use cases.


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